This package installs ClearImageNet.70.dll assembly, which contains two namespaces.
- Inlite.ClearImageNet namespace implements high-level functions recommended to use in new applications. Code examples use only this namespace.
- Inlite.ClearImage namespace is substantially compatible with the COM API and is specifically designed to ease the migration from ClearImage COM API applications to .NET. It also supports a few low-level functions.
Use Visual Studio C# ClearImage example project or follow the code examples below.
Combine code examples on this page with methods described in ClearImage API documentation in developing your project. Contact [email protected] if you have questions.
ClearImage .NET API reports errors as an Exception object.
This example reads code 39 and code 128 barcodes. Set barcode types used in your application. Setting reader.Auto1D=true; automatically finds barcode type, but it is slower and is not recommended for production.
This example reads PDF417, DataMatrix, and QR code. 2D barcodes might contain binary data available in Barcode.Data property.
This example reads Postal Barcodes from an image file page.
This example reads the Driver's License barcode from an image file page.
This example reads barcodes from a single-page file or all pages of a multi-page image file.
This example reads barcodes from a stream. The stream contains the content of a single image file. For example, if a file is stored in a database.
This example uses some of the most popular image-processing functions. In a production application, the specific sequence of functions should be selected based on specific application needs.
This example repairs all images in a multi-page file and saves the result in the fileOut file.
This example repairs all images in an input stream and saves the output stream using a specified file format. Streams contain the content of a single image file. For example, if a file is stored in a database.