Barcode Reader CLI


Integration targets

  • Available for both Windows and Linux systems
  • Integrate through Command-line interface invocation from:
    • Command prompt.
    • A shell script with output piped to the next application for processing
    • Your applications
    • Web Server code to build a Barcode Reader Web API Server
  • Deploy to the computing system of your choice:
    • Serverless (FaaS) applications such as AWS Lambda, Azure Function, Google Cloud Function, etc.
    • Containers (PaaS) such as Docker
    • Microservices
    • Virtualization environments (Desktop, workspace, and application level), such as Citrix

Input file formats and locations

File formats: PDF, TIF, JPEG, PNG, GIF, BMP

Input locations:

  • Image files on local and network drives
  • Image folders with optional subfolders. Include/Exclude input file name filtering
  • Web-based images

Output data formats and data

  • Output results to console (stdout) or a file
  • Generate JSON, CSV or TEXT, or BIN format output file
  • Report barcode values, properties, and locations
  • UTF8 presentation of barcodes containing text in any language (including Chinese, Korean, Japanese, Arabic, and others)
  • Consolidates multiple 2D barcodes using structured append (including MacroPDF47) into a single barcode data
  • Report Driver's License essential data, including user name, address, date of birth, DL number, and expiration date

System Requirements

Minimum available memory: 2GB