Macros are defined as name-value pairs, where a value replaces the name during the BarcodeReaderCLI session. This process is called macro expansion. Macros are used:
- Specify names of input and output file/folder names
- Select data presented in the output.
In most cases, a macro is referenced by its name enclosed in curly brackets: {} Macro names are case-insensitive. General macro references format is: {}
- namespace:: - optional namespace to distinguish macros with the same name defined in multiple categories.
- - the required name of a macro
- ? - optional mark to expand undefined macro to an empty string. Without this mark, an undefined macro causes a runtime error.
- |format - optional macro expansion control. Available formats:
- #xN - duplicate macro value N times
- #n - expands to the name of the macro
- #v - expands to the value of the macro
{tab|#x3} expands to 3 tab characters
{dob?|#n is #v} expands to a string dob is user_date_of_birth , if the current barcode contains driver's license data; otherwise, it expands to an empty string
{path.temp}{path.sep}MyOutput.xmlexpands to a MyOutput.xml file path located in a temporary folder, e.g./tmp/MyOutput.xml
{bc::page} expands to the page number in a file, where a barcode is located
The Session macros remain constant in the course of the BarcodeReaderCLI session. The namespace for these macros is prg::.
Name | Value Description |
path.tmp | System temporary folder path (without terminating path separator} |
path.sep | Path separator character: \ on Windows, / on Linux |
host | Host computer name |
app.filename | BarcodeReaderCLI file name |
app.version | BarcodeReaderCLI version | | Session start date. Format: YYYY-MM-DD |
start.time | Session start time. Format: hh:mm:ss |
nl | New line character |
cr | Carriage return character |
eol | Carriage return + New line characters |
tab | Tab character |
bom | UTF-8 byte-order mark (BOM) |
Selected environmental variables are converted to a macro. The namespace for these macros is env::.
The User macros are defined using -d="" option on a command line or in the configuration file. The namespace for these macros is user::. The value of user macros referenced in filename options can reference other user macros (Recursive expansion.)
The Source macros are associated with the currently processed source. The namespace for these macros is source::.
Name | Value Description |
path | Source path specified on a command line |
type | Source type: file, folder, url |
files | Number of files found in the source |
bc.count | Total number of found barcodes |
The File macros are associated with the currently processed image file. The namespace for these macros is file::.
Name | Value Description |
path | Image file path |
filename | Filename section of path |
basename | Filename without extension |
ext | The extension portion of the filename |
folder | Path to a folder containing the image file |
pages | Number of pages in a file |
format | Image file format |
size | Size of image file |
bc.count | Total number of found barcodes |
The Page macros are associated with the currently processed image page. The namespace for these macros is page::.
Name | Value Description |
page | Page number (1-based) |
bpp | Bits-per-pixel |
width | Page width in pixels |
height | Page height in pixels |
hdpi | Horizontal DPI |
vdpi | Vertical DPI |
compr | Page compression |
path | Path to the image file containing this page |
bc.count | Total number of found barcodes |
The Barcode macros are associated with the currently processed barcode. The namespace for these macros is bc::.
Name | Value Description |
ind | Barcode index on a page |
text | Barcode text value as UTF-8 string |
data | Barcode value as a byte array encoded as base-64 string |
length | Barcode value length |
type | Barcode type |
rotation | Barcode rotation |
encoding | The encoding used to convert barcode data to UTF-8 text |
tbr | TBR code used to read this barcode (not present if code was not set) |
path | Image file path |
abspath | Image file absolute path |
page | Page number (1-based) |
mod | Barcode module size in pixels |
skew | Barcode skew |
rectangle.left | The left coordinate of the encompassing rectangle | | The top coordinate of the encompassing rectangle |
rectangle.right | The right coordinate of the encompassing rectangle |
rectangle.bottom | The bottom coordinate of the encompassing rectangle | | X coordinate of the top left corner | | Y coordinate of the top left corner | | X coordinate of the top right corner | | Y coordinate of the top right corner | | X coordinate of the bottom left corner | | Y coordinate of the bottom left corner | | X coordinate of the bottom right corner | | Y coordinate of the bottom right corner |
The Driver's License macros are associated with the currently processed barcode; it contains driver's license or ID card data. The namespace for these macros is dl::.
Name | Value Description |
last | Cardholder family name |
first | Cardholder first name |
middle | Cardholder middle name |
dob | Cardholder's date of birth |
eyes | Cardholder eyes color |
hair | Cardholder hair color |
sex | Cardholder sex |
height | Cardholder height in ft. and inch |
weight | Cardholder weight in pounds |
street | Cardholder street address |
city | Cardholder city |
state | Cardholder state or province |
postal | Cardholder ZIP or postal code |
id | Card ID number |
issued | Card issue date |
expires | Card expiration date |